Targa Miata
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July 22, 2008 - I bought a new garage.
Well, sort of. The time has finally come to get a real grown up trailer. One with brakes, two axles and has not been abused for the last 32 years. Thinking about the long tow to and from Newfoundland had me a bit worried, and after some serious prodding from Janel we picked this up on Monday. It's 7' wide and 16.5' long, and it's the perfect size for a Miata. No bigger than it has to be, but big enough for the car, some tools and a set of tires. I'll do something clever inside to help with storage of the latter. The only thing that would have been better would have been if it was one of the low trailers designed for motorcycles to cut down on frontal area. I'm tempted to chop this one down by a couple of feet. First, though, I need to pull out the motorcycle chocks and mounting points and move them to be more appropriate for something that doesn't fall over quite so easily.
Why was Janel pushing for an enclosed trailer? Because now I can park a car in it, and that opens up another space in the garage for her Miata.
tags: logistics